
Insurance when storing

If you want to sign up for insurance for your storage space, you only need it with LAGERBOX if you do not have an insurance to covers external storage. As in all other areas related to self-storage, we are also flexible here and keep the effort for our customers very low. Your self-storage insurance can be obtained from us without high bureaucratic hurdles, and not even a phone call with your existing coverage is necessary.

Is there an insurance for self-storage?

With LAGERBOX the insurance of stored goods within the scope of the stored goods insurance is already possible from 5 Euro/ month. There are basically two types of storage goods insurance: the private option and the commercial one, which is part of the transport insurance. However, self-storage insurance offers both commercial and private tariffs.

What is not insured?

In this context, we have to inform you: Not everything can be insured in the context of self-storage insurance (often also not in the household contents insurance) without further notice. This includes:


  • Geld, Münzen, Barren, Urkunden, Schuldverschreibungen, Wertpapiere u. Ä.
  • Lebende Tiere und/oder Pflanzen
  • Schmuck, Uhren, Edelsteine, Edelmetalle und Briefmarken jeglicher Art mit einem Gesamtwert von über 1.000 Euro
  • Pelze, Werke bildender Kunst, Handys, Parfümerie, Tabakwaren, Zigarren, Zigaretten, Bier, Wein, Spirituosen u. Ä. mit einem Gesamtwert von über 15.000 Euro
  • Elektronik mit einem Gesamtwert von über 25.000 Euro
  • Unter Elektronik fallen alle Verbrauchsgeräte, im Handel erhältliche Elektrogeräte und Instrumente, einschließlich, jedoch nicht beschränkt auf Radios, Fernseher, Computer, Computer-Software, Festplatten, Chips, Mikrochips, Leiterplatten und ihre Komponenten
  • Modems, Monitore, Kameras, Faxgeräte, Kopiergeräte, Videorekorder, Hi-Fi-Geräte, Stereoanlagen, CD-Spieler u. Ä. (schwere elektrische Geräte wie z. B. Schaltanlagen, Turbinen, Generatoren u. Ä. gelten nicht als Elektronik)
  • Brennbare Stoffe
  • Waffen, Munition oder Explosivstoffe und/oder Teile, verwandtes Zubehör, Materialien oder Inhaltsstoffe jeglicher Art
  • Verlust von Datensätzen mit Ausnahme der Kosten unbeschriebener Materialien zum Eintragen von Daten
Did you know? What we also can not insure or store at all are things that pose risks, such as waste, poisons, hazardous waste, perishable goods and food, drugs, plants, animals or weapons.

Where do you get the self-storage insurance?

If you are interested, you can sign up for the insurance directly at our LAGERBOX location near you. There are no extra ways or other expenses needed for you; we take care of it as mentioned. We offer insurance as part of the storage contract, which you can simply add to your booking.

here you can see our insurance premiums)

Do you have to insure stored goods?

This is especially interesting for you if your household contents insurance (in private self-storage) or transport insurance (in the commercial sector) does not cover storage. Especially if you store valuable things, company property such as tools, machines or even sensitive files, it is worth taking a storage space insurance. Even with long-term storage, you can play it safe at LAGERBOX.


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