
Rent a storage unit in Cologne Mülheim

The advantage of selfstorage with LAGERBOX

  • from 1m³ storage
  • from 1 week rental period
  • Free transporter *
  • Free transport on site
  • Access 6-23h** / 365
  • Incoming goods
  • Coded access
  • Alarm / video secured
  • no admin fee
  • Storage is insured

Cologne Mülheim

You can change to a smaller or
bigger storage unit flexible and uncomplicated.

Availability by phone:

Mo.-Fr.: 08:00 - 20:00 clock

Sa.: 09:00 - 17:00 clock

Warehouse access in general:
Mo.-Su.: 06:00-23:00 Clock

office hours:
Mon-Fri: 09:00-18:00 Clock
Sat: 09:00-16:00 Clock

Appointment in Cologne Mülheim
  • Manager Christian


  • Manager Stephanie


Now calculating space requirements

How much space do I need? Find out quickly how much it is with with our room calculator.



With our LAGERBOX checklists you plan your move perfectly through.

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Important forms in PDF format of LAGERBOX, also for downloading, can be found on our website.

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You can insure your stored goods quickly and easily directly at our site via our partners. Starting at 5 Euro/ month.

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Rent your mailbox from us. On request, we empty it for you or send you your post gladly.

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With our practical LAGERBOX moving tips you can make your move smoothly and well prepared.

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Upon request, we gladly accept your package and store it. Until you pick it up.

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At our site, you can have first-class moving material, such as boxes, foils and much more.

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In addition to storage areas, you can also use our offer on site for a secure parking space for your motor vehicle.

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Upon request, we can offer you shelves for storage in your Lagerbox at the location and build them for you as well.

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We offer free handcarts, trolleys and other means of transport for transport in and at the LAGERBOX location.

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For your transport, we offer vans or trailers at the location, which are available free* of charge on moving in day at LAGERBOX.

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How much storage space? What you really need, determine quickly and in a few steps with the unit calculator.

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Rating: 5 of 5. voting results: 95.
Customer Testimonials
Daniel Kritschker

Excellenter service. Ich hatte erst die nacht vor Lieferung meiner Fracht aus England gebucht. Aufgrund fehlender kommunikation von seiten der Lieferfirma war ich nicht vor ort also geliefert wurde und konnte deswegen keine des Teams des Lagerbox vorwahnen. Trotz diesel Umstaende wurde alles problemlos Von seiten des Lagerbox teams geloest, die Fracht in den von mir gemieteten Lagers verstaut und bei meiner Ankunft war beteits alles abgewickelt und ich muesste nur den chip und schluessel abholen. Super Doenstleister, super service! Bevor mehr chaos entstehen konnte uebernahm das team in Muelheim unaufgefordert und regelte alles ohne jedige vorherige absprache! Ich bin mehr als zufrieden! Lagerbox safed and made my day! Much appreciated!

Benjamin Richter (bnrc)

Super reibungsfreiher Service, Raumwechsel von jetzt auf gleich 👍🏻

Sarah von der Lieth

Sauber und super Service

Rate LAGERBOX now on
Secure your moving set (1 moving box Basic & 1 archive box with lid, 1 roll of adhesive tape) for FREE! Just fill in and come by.
* The transporter is included in the Smart and Premium packages from a monthly rental of 50 € for the move-in. In the Premium package, it is even included when you move out. In general, the use of the transporter requires availability. The usage time may vary by location. 30 km are included, each additional kilometer is charged with 0,50 €.

** The Dortmund Innenstadt Ost and Krefeld locations have access hours of 6-22h on 365 days, the location in Berlin Neukölln from Monday to Saturday from 6-22h and on Sunday/holiday from 9-20h. All other locations have access to the storage room 365 days from 6-23h.