Rent storage and live out your passion for collecting

Collectors are thick on the ground all over the world. In every city, every village, somebody is collecting something – united by passion for collecting.
Some people start collecting at a very young age. Who doesn’t remember filling sticker albums for the World Cup and swapping stickers that were double on the school grounds?
Collecting is a hobby with many interesting aspects. Stamps, antique cutlery, or curious objects – anything can be collected. However, collectors need to watch out not to go overboard, especially in their own four walls. Their ability to keep their house or apartment clean and organised should not be compromised by the passion for their collection.
Not every collector has the space to store all their collectibles at home. We offer an alternative that is the perfect match for collectors who want to live out their passion: renting a storage unit.
Rent storage - This is how it works
Renting a storage unit is not very difficult. At LAGERBOX, you can either book online, via email, or at one of our locations. We also offer a size estimator that helps you find out the perfect storage unit size for storing all your belongings.
LAGERBOX offers a range of different sizes to choose from. From as little as one cubic metre, we have a storage unit for everybody. The only thing left to do is to find a LAGERBOX location nearby. This should not be too difficult because LAGERBOX operates in many major German cities and has storage facilities in many regions – sometimes even more than one. Once you have found us, you can rent storage space and keep the items you've collected safe and sound.
Whether it’s collecting or storing, there are few important things to consider to maximise your enjoyment. Here are our LAGERBOX collector’s tips.
Collector's tips from LAGERBOX
When you put things into storage, the most important thing to do is to label your boxes. This will help you find all the pieces in your collection quickly and easily. Generally speaking, boxes are the most convenient way to store your things at LAGERBOX. Applying the Tetris method, they are ideal for storage.
The next question is: Are you already our customer? If you already have a unit with us, you need to empty it out first before you can apply the Tetris principle.
The Tetris principle is like a life hack you can apply to self-storage: It helps you to save space by storing as many things as possible in one unit.
This is where the planning phase begins. Put collectibles in the front of the unit and within your reach if you use them often or are likely to need them in the near future. Collectibles that you don’t or rarely need go in the back.
You should plan a path in the middle of the boxes to make sure you can access the boxes and collectibles in the back. A narrow path through the middle should be enough.Now it’s time to pack. For heavy items, including files and books, we recommend using special boxes designed to withstand the weight.
For lighter items, it is fine to use regular moving boxes, which you can buy at the LAGERBOX moving supplies shop. If you collect porcelain or other breakable items, it is best to use bubble wrap to prevent your items from being damaged when you put them into storage.
Newspaper also does the trick. Another important tip is not to overfill your boxes. Firstly, they are harder to stack if they don’t close properly. Secondly, they quickly reach a weight that can cause injuries. After all this, you are ready to put your things into storage. When doing so, sort your boxes according to their size and weight.
Place the heavier boxes at the bottom and the lighter ones on top. This is only logical: The heavier boxes can handle the weight from the top more easily. Moreover, you don’t have to move heavy boxes every time you want to access your collectibles.
This is where your pre-planned labelling system comes in. You can either label the boxes directly using categories or use a system of numbers. For the second approach, make sure to hang an inventory list in the storage unit that tells you where to find which things under which number.
Be certain to label your boxes from all sides because your labels might be covered by other boxes.
Additional tips: If you’re storing furniture like shelves or fridges, you can use the space available on the inside to store additional items.
You also don’t have to use boxes to store your things if you don’t want to.
We recommend it to ensure the most efficient use of space. However, we also understand if you want to keep your collectibles visible and want to display them openly within your storage unit.
The best tip we can give to any collector comes before all others, which is to rent a storage unit for your collection. It will keep your collecting passion in check and keep your home tidy.
Lastly, not every collection is a good idea. Sometimes rubbish is just that: rubbish. For all your heartfelt mementos and collecting passions, you can now rent a storage unit.